Solid Waste Management Additional Surcharge

West Virginia law provides for the collection and distribution of a fee which is imposed upon the disposal of solid waste at any solid waste facility in the amount of $1.75 per ton or part thereof of solid waste. Effective July 1, 2021, an additional solid waste assessment fee in the amount of $0.20 per ton, $0.40 per ton beginning July 1, 2022, $0.60 per ton beginning July 1, 2023, $0.80 per ton beginning July 1, 2024, and $1.00 per ton beginning July 1, 2025 (and thereafter). 

These fees are remitted to the State Treasurer on a monthly basis and distributed according to West Virginia State Code §22-15-11.  In particular, twenty-five percent of the monies collected are to be distributed equally to each county or solid waste authority. Seventy-five percent shall be distributed on a per capita basis to each county or regional solid waste authority based on the most recent population projections from the United States Census Bureau.

Should you have any questions concerning the distribution amount, you should contact the State Treasurer’s Office at 1-800-422-7498 or 304-558-5000.